Författare: Tarannom Parhizkar

Dr Tarannom Parhizkar is a scientist in the B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences, at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr. Parhizkar has worked on modeling of complex systems and performance optimization since 2010. She has an extensive background and experience both in academia and industry, addressing complex challenges encountered in risk assessment and management practices. Professor Ingrid Bouwer Utne at Department of Marine Technology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is an affiliated scientist in the Centre of Excellence on Autonomous marine operations and systems. Dr. Utne has worked with risk analysis for more than 15 years in research and industry and has contributed to several research papers and books in the area. Professor emeritus Jan Erik Vinnem has worked with offshore risk assessment since late 1970s in industry, consultancy, research, education and has authored several hundred papers on this topic. He has published “Offshore Risk Assessment (1-4 Ed)” with Springer.

1 E-böcker av Tarannom Parhizkar

Tarannom Parhizkar & Ingrid B. Utne: Online Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Complex Marine Systems
This book proposes a new approach to dynamic and online risk assessment of automated and autonomous marine   systems, taking into account different environmental and operational conditions. The …