Thomas Graham Jr. served for nearly three decades as general counsel as well as acting director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. He was President Clinton”s Special Representative for arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament, with the rank of ambassador. Keith A. Hansen served in the course of three decades on various strategic arms control delegations (SALT II, INF, and CTBT), where he concentrated on verification issues as an expert on strategic nuclear force issues. He teaches classes on arms control and national security at Stanford University.
2 E-böcker av Thomas Graham Jr.
Keith A. Hansen & Thomas Graham Jr.: Preventing Catastrophe
Preventing Catastrophe is written by two authors who are experienced ’Washington hands’ and who understand the interplay between intelligence and policymaking. Both have been personally involved, in …
Thomas Graham Jr.: Sapphire
Sapphire, as the Preface explains, is a tale or saga of perhaps the most dangerous period of the Cold War. This was a time when the two superpower antagonists seeking the mastery of the world were ch …