Författare: Tom Juravich

The editors of this book are faculty members of the Labor Center and Sociology Department at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Combined, they have dozens of books and articles that analyze the labor movement, work, and politics. They regularly work with unions and worker centers, and they teach graduate courses in labor studies, economics, history, organizing, and union campaigns.

3 E-böcker av Tom Juravich

Jasmine Kerrissey & Eve Weinbaum: Labor in the Time of Trump
Labor in the Time of Trump critically analyzes the right-wing attack on workers and unions and offers strategies to build a working–class movement. While President Trump’s election in 2016 may have b …
Dan Clawson & Clare Hammonds: Labor in the Time of Trump
Labor in the Time of Trump critically analyzes the right-wing attack on workers and unions and offers strategies to build a working-class movement.While President Trump’s election in 2016 may have be …
Tom Juravich & Olivia Geho: What the Boss Doesn’t Want Us to Know
After the labor movement faded away in the lives of most Americans, organizing is back! Workers are organizing at Starbucks, Amazon, Apple, and Google, to name just a few. But it’s going to take more …