Författare: Tony Sander

Born and raised in Southern California in 1953, Tony Sanders has dedicated his life to all aspects of creative art. He began shooting photographs at age seven and processed them in a darkroom made of cardboard boxes in his parent”s garage. Even though finding the materials becomes more difficult day by day, his passion to shoot and process large format 8×10 negatives won”t go away. His collectors marvel at his huge selenium toned silver gelatin as well as platinum palladium prints. He has shot advertising and editorial images for a respectable list of clients for over forty years. His first commercial shoot was in 1969. Most of his writing has been for corporate and advertising requirements but the critic in him continuously finds his way onto paper. His grandmother lived on Catalina Island, off the coast of Los Angeles, from 1938 to 1988 so he spent much of his childhood hiking and horseback riding the trails of Catalina as well as Los Angeles and Orange County. And during those years he has watched the barley fields turn into shopping malls. Having worked in and owned several companies in the reprographic and offset printing industries his eye for the printed image is only exceeded by his desire to tell enjoyable and alluring tales of the old west.

1 E-böcker av Tony Sander

Tony Sanders: Long Gun, Day of Consequence
Day of Consequence defines a frontier child striving for manhood. Five-year-old Jimmy Longhon, inadvertently shoots Baxter Boreen to death. Only a cowboy like Jimmy would persevere and prevail over t …