Henry Keazor wurde 1996 an der Universität Heidelberg promoviert. Anschließend unterrichtete er an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, war Gastprofessor am Institut für Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Mainz und wurde 2006 Heisenberg-Fellow der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Von 2008 bis 2012 hatte er den Lehrstuhl für Kunstgeschichte an der Universität des Saarlandes inne. Seitdem ist er Lehrstuhlinhaber für Neuere und Neueste Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Heidelberg. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind französische und italienische Malerei des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, zeitgenössische Medien und visuelle Kultur, das Phänomen der Kunstfälschung sowie zeitgenössische Architektur und ihr Verhältnis zu modernen Medien.
7 E-böcker av Umberto Rossi
Marc Blancher & Marc Bonner: We Are All Astronauts
’We are all astronauts’, the American architect and thinker Richard Buckminster Fuller wrote in 1968 in his book Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, where he compared Earth to a spaceship, provided …
Umberto Rossi: L’uomo che ricordava troppo
ROMANZO (276 pagine) – FANTASCIENZA – Johann Hagenström non aveva ricordi del suo passato. In compenso ricordava eventi che non erano mai avvenuti. Un romanzo finalista al premio Urania che richiama …
Walter Bar & Angelo Fiori: Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics
th This volume comprises the Proceedings of the 15 Congress of the International Society of Forensic Haemogenetics (ISFH), held for the first time in Venezia Lido, th th Italy, on 13 -15 October 1993 …
Rossi Umberto Rossi: Twisted Worlds of Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick was one of the most popular science fiction novelists of the 20th century, but the contradictory and wily writer has troubled critics who attempt encompassing explanations of his work. …
Umberto Rossi & Paolo Simonetti: Dream Tonight of Peacock Tails
Dream Tonight of Peacock Tails marks the first in-depth examination of Pynchon’s debut novel, which was immediately recognized as a breakthrough masterpiece. The eight essays collected in the volume …
Paula Martín-Salván & Sascha Pöhlmann: The Politics of Transparency in Modern American Fiction
Explores modern and contemporary American literature’s contribution to and critique of the newly emerging field of transparency studies In the twenty-first century, transparency has become an ambiguo …
Paula Martin-Salvan & Sascha Pohlmann: Politics of Transparency in Modern American Fiction
Explores modern and contemporary American literature’s contribution to and critique of the newly emerging field of transparency studies In the twenty-first century, transparency has become an ambiguo …