This definitive volume provides state-of-the-art summaries of
current research by leading specialists in different areas of
cognitive development.
* * Forms part of a series of four Blackwell Handbooks in
Developmental Psychology spanning infancy to adulthood.
* Covers all the major topics in research and theory about
childhood cognitive development.
* Synthesizes the latest research findings in an accessible
* Includes chapters on abnormal cognitive development and
theoretical perspectives, as well as basic research topics.
* Now available in full text online via xreferplus, the
award-winning reference library on the web from xrefer. For more
information, visit
Acknowledgments x
List of Contributors xi
Part I Infancy: The Origins of Cognitive Development
1 Imitation as a Mechanism of Social Cognition: Origins of
Empathy, Theory of Mind, and the Representation of Action 6
Andrew N. Meltzoff
2 The Development of Understanding Self and Agency 26
György Gergely
3 The Acquisition of Physical Knowledge in Infancy: A Summary in
Eight Lessons 47
Renée Baillargeon
4 Early Categorization: A New Synthesis 84
Paul C. Quinn
5 Early Word-Learning and Conceptual Development: Everything had
a Name, and Each Name Gave Birth to a New Thought 102
Sandra R. Waxman
6 Early Memory Development 127
Patricia J. Bauer
Part II Cognitive Development in Early Childhood 147
7 Development of the Animate-Inanimate Distinction
Susan A. Gelman and John E. Opfer
8 Understanding the Psychological World: Developing a Theory of
Mind 167
Henry M. Wellman
9 Pretend Play and Cognitive Development 188
Angeline Lillard
10 Early Development of the Understanding and Use of Symbolic
Artifacts 206
Judy S. De Loache
Part III Topics in Cognitive Development in Childhood
11 Memory Development in Childhood 236
Wolfgang Schneider
12 The Development of Causal Reasoning 257
Barbara Koslowski and Amy Masnick
13 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning 282
Usha Goswami
14 The Development of Moral Reasoning 303
Larry P. Nucci
15 Spatial Development in Childhood: Where Are We Now? 326
Lynn S. Liben
16 Children’s Intuitive Physics 349
Friedrich Wilkening and Susanne Huber
17 What is Scientific Thinking, and How Does It Develop?
Deanna Kuhn
18 Reading Development and Dyslexia 394
Margaret J. Snowling
19 Children’s Understanding of Mathematics 412
Peter Bryant and Terezhina Nuñes
Part IV Topics in Atypical Cognitive Development 441
20 Executive Function in Typical and Atypical Development
Philip David Zelazo and Ulrich Müller
21 Language and Cognition: Evidence from Disordered Language
Barbara Dodd and Sharon Crosbie
22 The Exact Mind: Empathizing and Systemizing in Autism
Spectrum Conditions 491
Simon Baron-Cohen, Sally Wheelwright, John Lawson, Rick Griffin,
and Jacqueline Hill
Part V Models of Cognitive Development 509
23 Piaget’s Model 515
Leslie Smith
24 Vygotsky’s Model of Cognitive Development 538
Shawn M. Rowe and James V. Wertsch
25 Information-Processing Models of Cognitive Development
Graeme S. Halford
26 Modeling Typical and Atypical Cognitive Development:
Computational Constraints on Mechanisms of Change 575
Michael S. C. Thomas and Annette Karmiloff-Smith
27 Individual Differences in Cognitive Development 600
Robert J. Sternberg
References 620
Index 737
Om författaren
Usha Goswami is Professor of Education, University of
Cambridge and a Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge. Prior to
that she was a lecturer in Experimental Psychology at the
University of Cambridge.