Jörg Rüpke ist Professor für Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft an der Universität Erfurt. Er beschäftigt sich in seinen Arbeiten vornehmlich mit antiker Religionsgeschichte.
3 E-böcker av Valentino Gasparini
Nicola Cusumano & Valentino Gasparini: Memory and Religious Experience in the Greco-Roman World
The concepts of memory and experience have stimulated interest in a wide range of recent cultural studies. In the history of scholarship on religion in Mediterranean antiquity, scholars have focused …
Valentino Gasparini: Vestigia
Filippo Coarelli ha rappresentato una figura di primo piano nel panorama mondiale dell’archeologia e della storia delle religioni nel corso delle ultime due generazioni. La sua fecondità è testimonia …
Valentino Gasparini & Maik Patzelt: Lived Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World
The Lived Ancient Religion project has radically changed perspectives on ancient religions and their supposedly personal or public character. This volume applies and further develops these methodolog …