Författare: W. Keith Hoots

Christine A. Lee, MA, MD, DSc, FRCP, FRCPath, Emeritus Professor of Haemophilia, University of London; Honorary Consultant Haematologist, Oxford Haemophilia & Thrombosis Centre, Oxford, UK. Erik E. Berntorp, MD, Ph D, Professor of Hemophilia, Lund University; Director, Department of Coagulation Disorders, Malmo University Hospital, Malmo, Sweden. W. Keith Hoots, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center; Professor of Pediatrics and Internal Medicine, University of Texas Medical School at Houston; Medical Director, Gulf States Hemophilia and Thrombophilia Center, Houston, Texas, USA.

4 E-böcker av W. Keith Hoots

Christine A. Lee & Erik E. Berntorp: Textbook of Hemophilia
Textbook of Hemophilia, 3rd edition Edited by Christine A. Lee, MA, MD, DSc, FRCP, FRCPath, FRCOG Emeritus Professor of Haemophilia, University of London, London, UK Erik E. Berntorp, MD, Ph D Profes …
Christine A. Lee & Erik E. Berntorp: Textbook of Hemophilia
Textbook of Hemophilia, 3rd edition Edited by Christine A. Lee, MA, MD, DSc, FRCP, FRCPath, FRCOG Emeritus Professor of Haemophilia, University of London, London, UK Erik E. Berntorp, MD, Ph D Profes …
Christine A. Lee & Erik E. Berntorp: Textbook of Hemophilia
The only up-to-date definitive reference source on hemophilia This book is an invaluable resource that provides an overview of all aspects of the care of patients with haemophilia. Covering how to as …
Christine A. Lee & Erik E. Berntorp: Textbook of Hemophilia
The Textbook of Hemophilia has become a definitive resource for all those managing hemophilia patients. It covers all the common and rare bleeding disorders, both in terms of clinical management as w …