Författare: Wendy Flores-Fuentes

Vikrant Bhateja is Associate Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional Colleges (SRMGPC), Lucknow,  and also Head (Academics & Quality Control) in the same college. He completed his doctorate in Bio-Medical Imaging & Signal Processing and has a total academic teaching experience of 16 years with around 125 publications in reputed international conferences, journals and online book chapter contributions. His areas of research include digital image and video processing, computer vision, medical imaging, machine learning, pattern analysis and recognition. Dr. Vikrant has edited 15 proceeding books/editorial volumes with Springer Nature. He is Editor-in-Chief of IGI Global—International Journal of Natural Computing and Research (IJNCR).  He is also Associate Editor in International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE) and International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) under IGI Global press. He is Guest Editor of Special Issues in reputed Scopus/SCIE indexed journals under Springer Nature: “Evolutionary Intelligence” and “Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering”.  Suresh Chandra Satapathy is,  a Ph.D. in Computer Science, currently working as Professor and at KIIT (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India. He held the position of the National Chairman Div-V (Educational and Research) of Computer Society of India and is also Senior Member of IEEE. He has been instrumental in organizing more than 20 International Conferences in India as Organizing Chair and edited more than 30 Book Volumes from Springer LNCS, AISC, LNEE and SIST Series as Corresponding Editor. He is quite active in research in the areas of swarm intelligence, machine learning and data mining. He has developed a new optimization algorithm known as Social Group Optimization (SGO) published in Springer Journal. He has delivered number of keynote address and tutorials in his areas of expertise in various events in India. He has more than 100 publications in reputed journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Suresh is in Editorial Board of IGI Global, Inderscience, Growing Science journals and also Guest Editor for Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering published by Springer. Carlos M. Travieso-González received the M.Sc. degree in 1997 in Telecommunication Engineering at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain,  and Ph.D. degree in 2002 at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC-Spain). He is Full Professor on Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition and Head of Signals and Communications Department at ULPGC, ; teaching from 2001 on subjects on signal processing and learning theory. His research lines are biometrics, biomedical signals and images, data mining, classification system, signal and image processing, machine learning,  and environmental intelligence. He has researched in 50 International and Spanish Research Projects, some of them as Head Researcher. He has 440 papers published in international journals and conferences. He has published 7 patents in Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. He is Evaluator of project proposals for European Union (H2020), Medical Research Council (MRC – UK), Spanish Government (ANECA – Spain), Research National Agency (ANR – France), DAAD (Germany),  and other Institutions. He has been General Chair in 16 international conferences, mainly sponsored by IEEE and ACM. He is Associate Editor in CIN and Entropy (Q2-Wo S journals). He has been awarded in “Catedra Telefonica” Awards in editions 2017, 2018 and 2019 on Knowledge Transfer Modality. Wendy Flores-Fuentes received the bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from the Autonomous University of Baja California in 2001, the master’s degree in Engineering from Technological Institute of Mexicali in 2006,  and the Ph.D. degree in science, applied physics, with emphasis on Optoelectronic Scanning Systems for SHM, from Autonomous University of Baja California in June 2014. By now she is the author of 30 journal articles in Elsevier, IEEE Emerald and Springer, 13 book chapters and 5 books in Springer, Intech, IGI Global Lambert Academic and Springer, 35 proceedings articles in IEEE ISIE 2014-2019, IECON 2014, 2018, 2019, the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (IAENG 2013), IEEE Section Mexico IEEE ROCC2011 and the VII International Conference on Industrial Engineering ARGOS 2014. Recently, she has organized and participated as Chair of Special Session on “Machine Vision, Control and Navigation” at IEEE ISIE 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019 and IECON 2018, 2019. She holds 1 patent of Mexico and 1 patent of Ukraine. She has been a reviewer ofseveral articles in Taylor and Francis, IEEE, Elsevier,  and EEMJ. Currently, she is Full-time Professor at Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, at the Faculty of Engineering, and is the coordinator of the physics area in the basic science department. She has been incorporated into CONACYT National Research System in 2015. She did receive the award of “Best session presentation” in WSECS2013 in San-Francisco, USA. She did receive as the co-author the award of “Outstanding Paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence”.   

8 E-böcker av Wendy Flores-Fuentes

Oleg Sergiyenko & Wendy Flores-Fuentes: Machine Vision and Navigation
This book presents a variety of perspectives on vision-based applications. These contributions are focused on optoelectronic sensors, 3D & 2D machine vision technologies, robot navigation, control sc …
Vikrant Bhateja & Suresh Chandra Satapathy: Computer Communication, Networking and IoT
This book features a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication (ICICC 2020) organized by the Departm …
V. V. S. S. S. Chakravarthy & Wendy Flores-Fuentes: Advances in Micro-Electronics, Embedded Systems and IoT
This book discusses the latest developments and outlines future trends in the fields of microelectronics, electromagnetics and telecommunication. It contains original research works presented at the …
Wendy Flores-Fuentes & Jesus E Miranda-Vega: Measurements and Instrumentation for Machine Vision
A comprehensive reference book that addresses the field of machine vision and its significance in cyber-physical systems. It explores the multidisciplinary nature of machine vision, involving electro …
Wendy Flores-Fuentes & Jesus E Miranda-Vega: Measurements and Instrumentation for Machine Vision
A comprehensive reference book that addresses the field of machine vision and its significance in cyber-physical systems. It explores the multidisciplinary nature of machine vision, involving electro …
Vikrant Bhateja & P. Satish Rama Chowdary: Evolution in Signal Processing and Telecommunication Networks
The book discusses the latest developments and outlines future trends in the fields of microelectronics, electromagnetics, and telecommunication. It contains original research works presented at the …
Wendy Flores-Fuentes & Julio C. Rodriguez-Quinonez: Examining Optoelectronics in Machine Vision and Applications in Industry 4.0
The research and exploitation of optoelectronic properties in the industrial branch of electronics is becoming more popular each day due to the important role they play in the development of a large …
Julio C. Rodríguez-Quiñonez & Wendy Flores-Fuentes: Scanning Technologies for Autonomous Systems
This book provides the theory, methodology, and uses of scanning technologies for the application of autonomous systems. The authors provide readers with an understanding of different technologies an …