First-hand testimonials by scholars in the US who have been targeted by the Israel lobby over the content of their teaching, scholarship, activism, and/or activities as public intellectuals. An important contribution to the current debate on and off campuses about academic freedom and free speech, as well as to the growing prominence of the Israel-Palestine conflict in public discourse.
Preface: Richard A. Falk
Introduction: William I. Robinson and Maryam S. Griffin: The Israel Lobby and Academic Repression
Chapter One: David Theo Goldberg and Saree Makdisi: The Trial of Israel’s Campus Critics
Chapter Two: Terri Ginsberg: They Shoot Tenure, Don’t They?: How I crossed the borders of acceptable academic discourse on Holocaust film and the question of Palestine, and never came back
Chapter Three: William I. Robinson: My Ordeal with the Israel Lobby and the University of California
Chapter Four:
The Irvine 11: Power, Punishment, and Perseverance
Chapter Five: Kristofer J. Petersen-Overton: A Problem Grows in Brooklyn
Chapter Six: Rabab Abdulhadi: Speaking Truth to Power: Advocating for Justice in/for Palestine
Chapter Seven: David Delgado Shorter: Hanlon’s Razor Cuts Both Ways
Chapter Eight: Persis Karim: The Intolerability of Intolerance
Chapter Nine: Joseph Massad: Responding to Columbia University’s Mc Carthyism
Chapter Ten: David Klein: A Multiyear Zionist Censorship Campaign
Chapter Eleven: Nadia Abu Al-Hajj: Some Thoughts on Facts, Politics, and Tenure
Chapter Twelve: Max Geller: Censoring and Sanctioning Students for Justice in Palestine
Chapter Thirteen: Lisa Rofel: A So-called Self-Hating, Anti-Semitic Jew Speaks Out
Chapter Fourteen: Steven Salaita: Interrupted Destinies: Before and After the Forthwith
A List of Resources