This is a reprinting of the newspaper published in Nauvoo, Illinois which led to Joseph Smith’s arrest and, indirectly, his death. Only one edition of the newspaper was ever printed. Joseph Smith called the newspaper a ’nuisance’ and said that the publishers had ’formed a conspiracy for the purpose of destroying [his] life’ [History of the Church, vol. 6, p. 432]. Joseph ordered the printing press destroyed and the order was carried out on June 10th, 1844. Joseph was arrested on June 25th and was killed by a mob on June 27, 1844.
The following was edited and put into novel format for readability. There are stories, news articles, and ads that have nothing to do with Joseph Smith, but they have been left in for accuracy.
Most members of the LDS church have never read it.
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William Law was an important figure in the early history of the Latter Day Saint movement, holding a position in the church’s First Presidency under Joseph Smith Jr. Law was later excommunicated for apostasy from the church and was founder of the short-lived True Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.