Eight references in one-fully revised to include all the new
features and updates to Windows 7
As the #1 operating system in the world, Windows provides the
platform upon which all essential computing activities occur. This
much-anticiapted version of the popular operating system offers an
improved user experience with an enhanced interface to allow for
greater user control.
This All-in-One reference is packed with valuable information
from eight minibooks, making it the u...
Introduction 1
Book I: Cranking Up Windows 7 9
Chapter 1: Windows 7 4 N00bs 11
Chapter 2: Windows 7 for the Experienced 29
Chapter 3: Which Version? Pick a ...
Om författaren
Woody Leonhard describes himself as a ’Windows victim.’ Since 1992, he’s been sharing the solutions to his own tech problems with millions of readers. In addition to ...