Författare: Wouter Wieling

Roberto García Civera, MD Professor of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Valencia, Spain; Chief Section of Arrhythmology, Clinical University Hospital, Valencia, Spain. Gonzalo Barón Esquivias, MD Syncope Unit, University Hospital Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla, Spain. Jean-Jacques Blanc, MD. FESC Professor of Cardiology. Chief Department Cardiology, Brest University. France; Member of the Task Force on Syncope of the European Society of Cardiology. Michele Brignole, MD, FESC Chief of Cardiology Department. Ospedale Riuniti. Lavagna. Italy; Chairman of the Task Force on Syncope of the European Society of Cardiology. Angel Moya i Mitjans, MD., FESC Chief Section of Arrhythmology. General University Hospital Vall d”Hebron. Barcelona. Spain; Member of the Task Force on Syncope of the European Society of Cardiology. Ricardo Ruíz Granell, MD Electrophysiology Laboratory, Clinical University Hospital, Valencia, Spain. Wouter Wieling, MD, PD. Professor of Medicine. Department of Medicine; Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2 E-böcker av Wouter Wieling

Antonio Raviele & David G. Benditt: Syncope and Transient Loss of Consciousness
Syncope is one of the most important causes of transient loss of consciousness, and is such a common event that it may be encountered by practitioners in virtually any field of medicine. As such, a b …
Roberto García-Civera & Gonzalo Barón-Esquivias: Syncope Cases
This book presents a unique collection of clinical cases to help combat the difficulty of diagnosis and treatment of Syncope. Medical professionals using this book are provided with a reference to a …