This book proposes systemic design methodologies applied to
electrical energy systems, in particular integrated optimal design
with modeling and optimization methods and tools.
It is made up of six chapters dedicated to integrated optimal
design. First, the signal processing of mission profiles and system
environment variables are discussed. Then, optimization-oriented
analytical models, methods and tools (design frameworks) are
proposed. A ’multi-level optimization’ smartly coupling
several optimization processes is the subject of one chapter.
Finally, a technico-economic optimization especially dedicated to
electrical grids completes the book.
The aim of this book is to summarize design methodologies based
in particular on a systemic viewpoint, by considering the system as
a whole. These methods and tools are proposed by the most important
French research laboratories, which have many scientific
partnerships with other European and international research
institutions. Scientists and engineers in the field of electrical
engineering, especially teachers/researchers because of the focus
on methodological issues, will find this book extremely useful, as
will Ph D and Masters students in this field.
Preface xi
Chapter 1. Mission and Environmental Data Processing1
Amine JAAFAR, Bruno SARENI and Xavier ROBOAM
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Considerations of the mission and environmental variables3
1.3. New approach for the characterization of a’representative mission’ 6
1.4. Classification of missions and environmental variables16
1.5. Synthesis of mission and environmental variable profiles21
1.6. From classification to simultaneous design by optimizationof a hybrid traction chain 25
1.7. Conclusion 39
1.8. Bibliography 41
Chapter 2. Analytical Sizing Models for Electrical Energy Systems Optimization 45
Christophe ESPANET, Daniel DEPERNET, Anne-Claire SAUTTER and Zhenwei WU
2.1. Introduction 45
2.2. The problem of modeling for synthesis 46
2.3. System decomposition and model structure 55
2.4. General information about the modeling of the variouspossible components in an electrical energy system 60
2.5. Development of an electrical machine analytical model61
2.6. Development of an analytical static converter model 73
2.7. Development of a mechanical transmission analytical model82
2.8. Development of an analytical energy storage device model91
2.9. Use of models for the optimum sizing of a system 91
2.10. Conclusions 102
2.11. Bibliography 103
Chapter 3. Simultaneous Design by Means of Evolutionary Computation 107
Bruno SARENI and Xavier ROBOAM
3.1. Simultaneous design of energy systems 107
3.2. Evolutionary algorithms and artificial evolution 113
3.3. Consideration of multiple objectives 119
3.4. Consideration of design constraints 123
3.5. Integration of robustness into the simultaneous designprocess 126
3.6. Example applications 130
3.7. Conclusions 150
3.8. Bibliography 151
Chapter 4. Multi-Level Design Approaches for Electro-Mechanical Systems Optimization 155
Stéphane BRISSET, Frédéric GILLON and Pascal BROCHET
4.1. Introduction 155
4.2. Multi-level approaches 156
4.3. Optimization using models with different granularities160
4.4. Hierarchical decomposition of an optimization problem178
4.5. Conclusion 187
4.6. Bibliography 188
Chapter 5. Multi-criteria Design and Optimization Tools193
Benoit DELINCHANT, Laurence ESTRABAUD, Laurent GERBAUD and Frédéric WURTZ
5.1. The CADES framework: example of a new tools approach194
5.2. The system approach: a break from standard tools 195
5.3. Components ensuring interoperability around a framework203
5.4. Some calculation modeling formalisms for optimization210
5.5. The principles of automatic Jacobian generation 218
5.6. Services using models and their Jacobian 223
5.7. Applications of CADES in system optimization 227
5.8. Perspectives 231
5.9. Conclusions 238
5.10. Bibliography 239
Chapter 6. Technico-economic Optimization of Energy Networks247
Guillaume SANDOU, Philippe DESSANTE, Marc PETIT and Henri BORSENBERGER
6.1. Introduction 247
6.2. Energy network modeling 249
6.3. Resolution of the energy network optimization problem for adeterministic case 255
6.4. Introduction to uncertainty consideration 266
6.5. Consideration of uncertainties on consumer demand 269
6.6. Consideration of uncertainties over production costs273
6.7. From optimization to control 279
6.8. Conclusions 280
6.9. Bibliography 281
List of Authors 287
Index 291
Om författaren
Xavier ROBOAM, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France.