Författare: Yvan Comeau

Sébastien Savard is Professor at the School of Social Service at the University of Ottawa. His research includes community development, the relationship between state and community organizations, as well as access to health and social services for ageing Francophones in the context of linguistic minority. He has published many articles in academic journals, both in French and English, and has presented his work at conferences in Canada and internationally.

2 E-böcker av Yvan Comeau

Favreau Louis Favreau & Comeau Yvan Comeau: Emploi, economie sociale et developpement local
A la recherche de solutions a l’exclusion economique et sociale et au mal-developpement des collectivites locales, les auteurs font le point sur l’etat actuel des travaux et proposent des questionnem …
Bourque Denis Bourque & Comeau Yvan Comeau: Organisation communautaire
Voilà un ouvrage de base en organisation communautaire dont le contenu gravite autour de quatre grandes approches: l”approche sociocommunautaire, l”action sociale, le développement local et l”appr …