Edited by award-winning author Sylvia Moody, this jargon-free guide
to good practice in dyslexia workplace consultancy, and related
legal issues, provides comprehensive coverage in four clearly
distinguished areas:
* Professional dilemma chapters discuss tricky issues
which have arisen in practice.
* General perspective chapters take the viewpoint of
professionals such as HR managers or trades-union
* How to do it right chapters offer advice on how to carry
out diagnostic, workplace needs and legal assessments, and on
devising training programmes.
* Information Point chapters provide brief information on
general topics such as dyslexic difficulties in the workplace,
emotional problems related to dyslexia, and the application of the
Disability Discrimination Act.
With contributions from leading experts on workplace
consultancy, this definitive guide will be of interest to dyslexia
professionals, managers, legal professionals, trades unions,
coaches, mentors and careers advisors – as well as dyslexic
employees and job-seekers.
Table of Content
Introduction (Sylvia Moody).
1. Dyslexia: A Case of Mistaken Identity (Sylvia
How dyslexia can be wrongly diagnosed or escape
A. Dyslexia Difficulties in the Workplace (Diana
2. A Human Resources Manager Speaks (Brian Hagan).
B. Reasonable Adjustments (Brian Hagan).
3. How to Do a Workplace Needs Assessment (Sylvia
4. Dyslexia on the Front Line (Pauline Sumner).
A dyslexic person wishes to train as, say, a nurse, police
officer or firefighter and the question arises as to whether
his/her inefficiencies might put lives at risk.
C. Disclosure Guidelines (Pauline Sumner)
5. Dyspraxia: Problems and Solutions (Sarah Howard).
D. Neurodiversity (David Grant).
6. How To Do an Assistive Technology Assessment (Sylvia
E. Visual Stress (Melanie Jameson).
7. Disputes around Dyslexia (Katherine Kindersley).
A change in job or manager can bring unexpected difficulties
for a dyslexic employee and relations between manager and employee
can become acrimonious. How can such situations be
F. Access to Work Disability Support (Katherine
8. A Dyslexic Employee Speaks (Jeffrey Till).
9. How to Set Up a Workplace Skills Training Programme
(Katherine Kindersley).
G. Careers for Dyslexic Adults (Brian Hagan).
10. Dyslexia: Attitudes and Emotions (Diana
11. Dyslexia on Trial (Melanie Jameson).
At an employment tribunal a dyslexic person may be so
hampered by their communication difficulties that they give the
impression of being unco-operative and obstructing justice. How can
the legal profession be made aware of dyslexic problems?
H. Disability Discrimination Legislation (Brenda
12. How to Write a Legal Report (Sylvia Moody).
I. Specific Learning Difficulties: Guidelines for Lawyers
(Melanie Jameson).
Conclusion (Sylvia Moody).
Appendix I: Checklists.
Appendix II: Assistive Technology.
Appendix III: Useful addresses.
Appendix IV: Further Reading.
Author Biographies.
About the author
Dr Sylvia Moody has a Ph D in Psychology, a diploma in Clinical Psychology and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. She runs the Dyslexia Assessment Service in London, is the author of Dyslexia: A Teenager’s Guide (2004), Dyslexia: Surviving and Succeeding at College (2007), Dyslexia: How to Survive and Succeed at Work (2006), and has also written several children’s books.