Author: Tania Alexander

Tania Alexander (1915-2004) was an author, translator and theatrical adviser. She also worked in publishing, for Secker & Warburg in the late 1930s. Frederic Warburg wrote of her, “Tania ran her affairs, as she ran mine, with spasmodic violence and unusual powers of forgetfulness . . . She made many mistakes but never a blunder. She understood what none of my colleagues except Senhouse understood: that Secker & Warburg was . . . not so much a commercial enterprise as a “movement”. It followed that “public relations” was the most important of our activities and as a PRO Tania was unexcelled, everybody liked her.” Later on, she worked with Ken Loach and Jonathan Miller among others. In addition to her memoir An Estonian Childhood (Faber Finds) she also wrote with Vera Stone A Little Russian Cookbook.

1 Ebooks by Tania Alexander

Tania Alexander: An Estonian Childhood
In her introduction Tania Alexander writes, 'The Baltic philosopher Count Hermann Keyserling . . . once remarked: ''I am not a Dane, not a German, not a Swede, not a Russian nor an Est …