How to tell your story? ‘I want to talk, ‘ the Author says on page 1. The Narrator who has been assigned to assist her knows that what is needed now is permission. ‘Go on, ‘ says the Narrator – and a book is born. Weaving threads and following tangents, Tania Hershman’s debut novel, a hybrid ‘fictional memoir-in-collage’, tells one story and many stories: how is it to be a woman moving happily alone through the world? Who are you if not in relation to others?
A woman walks through the cemetery, talking to the dead. A class of schoolgirls grapples with what anger is and might be. A baby is left by scientists in a forest. Someone claims to be your grandmother. As the Author writes her way into and through what she needs to say, the Narrator watches her develop and blossom and wonders what will happen when they reach the end. Go on.
About the author
A queer writer of odd things, Tania Hershman lives in Manchester and is the author of three short story collections, two poetry collections, two poetry pamphlets and a hybrid book of poetry/prose/fiction/non-fiction, and what if we were all allowed to disappear (Guillemot Press, 2020). Tania’s second poetry collection, Still Life With Octopus, was published in July 2022 by Nine Arches Press. Co-author of Writing Short Stories: A Writers and Artists Companion (Bloomsbury, 2014), she is co-founder of the On This Day She Twitter account and co author of On This Day She: Putting Women Back Into History One Day At A Time (John Blake, 2021). Tania has a Ph D in creative writing inspired by particle physics. Go On (Broken Sleep Books, 2022) is her first novel.