Person-centred Practice in Nursing and Health Care is a comprehensive and practical resource for all nurses and healthcare practitioners who want to develop person-centred ways of working. This second edition which builds on the original text Person Centred Nursing, has been significantly revised and expanded to provide a timely and topical exploration of an important subject which underpins all nursing and healthcare, edited by internationally renowned experts in the field.
Person-centred Practice in Nursing and Health Care looks at the importance of person-centred practice (PCP) from a variety of practice, strategic, and policy angles, exploring how the principles of PCP underpin a variety of perspectives, including within leadership and in the curriculum. The book explores not only a range of methodologies, but also covers a variety of different healthcare settings and contexts, including working within mental health services, acute care, nursing homes, the community, and working with children and people with disabilities.
Key features:
* Significantly updated and expanded since the previous edition, taking into account the considerable changes in recent health care advancements, including the ‘Francis’ report
* Builds on previous perspectives of person-centredness in nursing and applies them in a broader nursing and health care context
* Includes a stronger exploration on the role of the service-user
* Shows the use of life-story and narrative approaches as a way of putting the individual’s identity at the heart of the care relationship
* Includes learning features such as links to current practice developments and reflective questions
Table of Content
List of Contributors ix
Foreword xiii
Acknowledgements xv
1 Introduction 1
Brendan Mc Cormack & Tanya Mc Cance
Section I: A framework for person-centred practice
2 Underpinning principles of person-centred practice 13
Brendan Mc Cormack & Tanya Mc Cance
3 The Person-centred Practice Framework 36
Tanya Mc Cance & Brendan Mc Cormack
Section II: The building blocks to enable person-centredness
4 Person-centred approaches: a policy perspective 67
Jon Glasby
5 Person-centredness in nursing strategy and policy 77
Annette Solman & Val Wilson
6 Person-centred nursing leadership 86
Shaun Cardiff
7 Person-centred nursing education 99
Deirdre O’Donnell, Neal Cook & Pauline Black
8 Person-centred research 118
Belinda Dewar, Aisling Mc Bride & Cathy Sharp
Section III: Developing person-centred cultures: a practice development approach
9 An overview of practice development 133
Kim Manley
10 Creating flourishing workplaces 150
Jan Dewing & Brendan Mc Cormack
11 Helping health-care practitioners to flourish: critical companionship at work 162
Angie Titchen & Karen Hammond
12 Navigating organisational change: being a person-centred facilitator 172
Famke van Lieshout
Section IV: Adapting the principles of person-centred practice
13 A narrative approach to person-centredness with older people in residential long-term care 183
Catherine Buckley
14 Person-centred health services for children 193
Val Wilson & Annette Solman
15 Meeting the challenges of person-centredness in acute care 205
Christine Boomer & Tanya Mc Cance
16 Person-centredness, recovery and user involvement in mental health services 215
Marit Borg & Bengt Karlsson
17 Weathering the seasons of practice development: moving towards a person-centred culture incomplex continuing care 225
Nadine Janes, Barbara Cowie, Jennifer Haynes, Penney Deratnay, Shannon Burke & Barbara Bell
18 Person-centred community nursing 236
Caroline Dickson
19 Person-centredness in palliative care 248
Antonia Lannie & Lorna Peelo-Kilroe
20 A considered reflection and re-presenting the Person-centred Practice Framework 259
Tanya Mc Cance & Brendan Mc Cormack
Index 265
About the author
Professor Brendan Mc Cormack is Head of the Division of Nursing at the School of Health Sciences, Queen Margaret University, Scotland. He is Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Older People Nursing and a member of the editorial board of: The Journal of Applied Gerontology; International Practice Development Journal; Online Journal of Issues in Nursing; Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing; Educational Action Research: an international journal; and, the Journal of Compassionate Care.
Tanya Mc Cance is Mona Grey Professor for Nursing Research and Development at the Institute of Nursing Research/School of Nursing, University of Ulster & Co-Director – Nursing R&D, Belfast Health & Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland.