Dan Simon, MA, JD, is a fellow and board member of the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation (ISCT). Dan has practiced and taught mediation since 1996, and he has been licensed to practice law in Minnesota since 1992. He is a past-chair of the ADR Section of the Minnesota State Bar Association and served for six years on the Minnesota Supreme Court’s ADR Ethics Board. He wrote “Transformative mediation for divorce: Rising above the law and the settlement, ” a chapter in Transformative Mediation: A Sourcebook (ACR, 2010), and co-authored “Transformative mediation: Illustrating a relational view of conflict intervention, ” a chapter in The Mediation Handbook (Routledge, 2017). He also writes the blog for the ISCT and is a featured blogger on Mediate.com. Dan has provided mediation training as an adjunct professor at the law schools of Hofstra University and the University of North Dakota, as well as through his own organization, Simon Mediation.
Tara West, JD, Ph D, author of The Mediator’s Approach: Five (and a Half) Paths Through Conflict, is a certified transformative mediator and conflict coach. She has been trained in facilitative, evaluative, understanding-based, and transformative approaches to mediation, and has mediated in public and private settings. Tara has taught and developed undergraduate and graduate psychology courses covering topics such as socio-cultural approaches to psychology, developmental psychology, personality psychology, group processes, and the psychology of conflict resolution. Tara earned her Ph D in Social and Health Psychology from Stony Brook University and her JD from the New York University School of Law.
3 Ebooks by Tara West
Tara West: Poets Are Eaten as a Delicacy in Japan
Poets are Eaten as a Delicacy in Japan opens as thirty-year-old Tommie Shaw is shown a newspaper report by her Dettol-huffing sister Georgie, revealing that their estranged mother, Gloria, is set to …
Sandy Forster: Living an Abundant Life
Get inspired to unleash your full potential and enjoy a life of wealth and abundance with this story collection from the creator of Wild Wealthy.com. Have you been searching for ways to live a …
Dan Simon & Tara West: Self-Determination in Mediation
Mediators are often pulled in many directionsthey want to help their clients reach a speedy agreement, ensure the agreement is fair, and avoid coercion so they can honor mediation’s primary value of …