Tatjana Seitz is a Ph D researcher at the CRC 1187 »Media of Cooperation« at Universität Siegen. Her research focuses on API studies at the intersection of economic, aesthetic, and data driven concepts within the context of networked social interfaces. She is equally interested in technically informed critical concepts and methodologies for the study of computational cultures.
Marcus Burkhardt is a lecturer in media studies at University of Siegen and principal investigator at the Collaborative Research Center 1187 »Media of Cooperation«, University of Siegen.
Carsten Ochs is a researcher in the area of sociological theory at Universität Kassel. Since ten years he has been active in the research cluster »Privacy«. His work deals with the relationship of the developmnt of democracy, artificial intelligence and privacy. His habilitation deals with digital transformation of privacy.
Jonathan Kropf is a research associate in the area of sociological theory at Universiät Kassel and currently works in the project »Fair Digital Services: Co-Evaluation in the Design of Data-Economic Business Models (FAIRDIENSTE)« (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research).
1 Ebooks by Tatjana Seitz
Marcus Burkhardt & Jonathan Kropf: Digital Culture & Society (DCS)
With the proliferation of smart devices such as smartphones, smart watches, and smart speakers as well as the ongoing push toward smart cities, humans, technologies, and environments have become enta …