Distilled from years in prison, thirteen profound keys of success have been discovered and revealed for the first time ever. Never before has a book uncovered the secret arts of life by examining the ultimate man-made artificial environment known as Prison. In prison, all basic human interactions and fundamental maxims for success can be found and implemented in everyday life and business in the free world. Readers can easily and quickly apply the truths found by using the Quick Reference Guide which is provided herein. While learning the canons of success, readers will be engrossed in interesting stories of prison life that will surprise and enlighten. Readers will find it immensely hard to put this book down until it is finished.
Table of Content
KEY ONE: You Can Be Your Own Worst Enemy or Your Own Best Champion. But, You Can’t Be Both7
KEY TWO: Get Over Yourself! To Truly Love and Enjoy Life You Need to Conquer Self-Importance21
KEY THREE: Be Humble27
KEY FOUR: Banish Vanity and Materialism37
KEY FIVE: Quit Taking Yourself So Serious, Have Fun, Get Excited, And Think of Others43
KEY SIX: Quit Making Excuses49
KEY SEVEN: Solidify Your Dream into a Clearly Defined Goal55
KEY EIGHT: Leap Into Action61
KEY NINE: Ignorance is not bliss, Education is!69
KEY TEN: Diligence and Hard Labor Leads to Happiness77
KEY ELEVEN: Discern Fact from Fiction through Data And Learn from Mistakes83
KEY TWELVE: Focus All Your Time, Energy, and Resources91
KEY THIRTEEN: Be Original, Imaginative, and Innovative97