With MS each day can bring a new challenge, no matter who you are. Hidden pain and agony, to voice it may seem insane, but it helps. Sometimes I use analogies and deep metaphors, so keep on your toes when you read this. (Prepare to think deep. In 2020 we have a pandemic taking over and no one knows what to do. Living in fear of disease is similar for us all. This book is helpful for all illnesses and the fear we live in from them.
The use of deep analogy and visuals is my attempt to explain how someone may feel with an invisible illness.
MS is a difficult condition and may leave people feeling helpless. As an MS patient with a bad autoimmune system, with corona, nothing has changed. The average person has no grounds for comparison. Sufferers, suffering this dragon of an illness, are all unique. Anyone with MS can feel comfortable in their individuality, but also know they are not alone. It is the glass half full approach that'll get you through the bad times.
Written and self published from Quarantine
during Coronavirus Pandemic 2020.
Ross L. Tokach is son to Ronald and Dianne Tokach.
Ross is a 38 year old Aurthor, Filmmaker, Scholar,
Table of Content
Part 1: The beginning
Part 2: The middle
Part 3: Too Many Questions