Are you tired of being all things to all people? Feeling a bit battered and bruised from the beatings you give yourself for falling short of super-human and yet you are not prepared to sit back and wait for things to change by themselves…then this book is for YOU! It’s time to stop beating yourself up, putting yourself down and making yourself feel bad trying to be perfect. Instead – become the BEST that you can be by being kind to yourself and giving yourself Permission to be Human! Finally – PERFECTSHUN empowers you to get the best from life and be the best in your life whilst allowing you to have balance, fulfilment, a sense of purpose and a sense of humour!
Table of Content
Chapter 1:
Perfect is Impossible!
What is perfect?
Perfection and Perfectionists
Your definitions of Perfectionists
Join me in ditching perfection and replacing it with Excellence
Perfection is a Deception of the Ego
Aiming for perfection sets you up to fail
Perfection is an excuse to procrastinate
Imperfection is a gift!
Chapter 2:
Permission to Feel ALL Emotions
Manage Your Emotions
The gift of State management
The State Management Trap
The High’s and the Low’s are the Melody of Life!
Emotional Flat Liners
All emotions give you a gift
Negative emotions give you gifts too
The gifts they offer
If you’re not sure what the message is – Ask!
It’s OK to feel down – Just don’t live there!
This is the story of life…
Chapter 3:
Self Development is about being a Better Person,
Not a Perfect Person!
Imperfection leaves room for improvement
Self Development is not a competitive sport
The Seminar Junkies
Obsession with perfection can actually cause you to get worse not better.
Don’t wait to be perfect to share what you know!
In my world it’s better to share something than never share anything!
Life is about little truths that reveal themselves along the way.
Actually it’s OK to aim for a little perfection when…
Chapter 4:
Live Up To Your Own Expectations
Standards : Achievements and qualifications, Career, Roles, Home
Expectations based on beliefs that hold you back
Set Your Own Standards!
Tee Jay’s Standards Statement
Emma’s Standards Statement
John’s Standards Statement
Susie’s Statement
My Standards Statement
Step into and Expand your Greatness
Chapter 5:
So What Do You Really Want?
The Power of Focus
What did you do with your Dreams?
The Invisible Link
It’s all about balance
Let’s set some Goals!
Part 1 – Identify Your Goals
Part 2 – The When
Part 3 – Prioritize the 1 year goals
Part 4 – The Why
Part 5 – Take action!
A Question a Day for a Step a Day
Choose who will be your biggest raving fans!
Visualization – Your Amazing Mind
Become “Bouncy and Bendy!”
Get Creative!
When you have it, remember to Celebrate it!
Chapter 6:
Take Your Foot Off the Gas if You Want to Go Further!
The Tunnel Vision Trap
The Great Escape
Significance and Recognition
Being all things to all people
Gentlemen, is this you?
Ladies, is this you?
Gotta be the Best
Battling on Causes Fatigue
Something’s got to give….
Do you recognize yourself in Ian’s story?
It’s OK to pause – Pausing is not giving up!
Fear of taking a break
Effects and Effectiveness
So climb onto a chair and look down
Time to recharge those batteries
Back to balance
How to pause for a while
Stop the “To Do” lists and start a “Get to Do” list!
The Perfect Day!
Chapter 7:
Modeling (Without the Airbrushing!)
What a role model is….
What a role model is not….
Mix and match models
Glenn’s Story, Glenn’s way
How I Stopped Kissing And Became An Entrepreneur
From Sled Dog Musher’s to Comedians – How To
Harness Their Success & Make It Yours
Lessons from a Boa Constrictor
How To Recruit Your Own Model
(With The Plan to Become An Ubermentor)
Rules of The Game: How To Literally Double Your Response Rate – Every time.
One Life Stand
Me again
Getting the best from having a role model
What are they thinking?
External Behavior
What would you love to do better?
Being a role model
It’s OK to get things wrong and not have to hide it!
Give generously!
Chapter 8:
Allow Others to be Human, Too!
Set people up to win, not to be perfect
Use their gifts, don’t dwell on weaknesses.
Be clear about your expectations –
People cannot mind read
Perfect at work
Perfect at home
Step in to their shoes….
Part 1 – You as yourself
Part 2 – You get to be them
Part 3 – You are an independent observer
Part 4 – What did you learn?
Support them, don’t judge them
Allow others to be Human in their Emotions
Judgment vs ‘Love meant’
Take people off Pedestals!
Awe and Envy
Share what you have learned – about being human with others
About the author
About the author
Tee Jay Dowe, founder of Momentum People, has helped hundreds of people to discover who they really are and what they really want from this life. Inspiring people to find the best within themselves, in order to give the best of themselves and giving people the opportunity to discover that we are all energy leaders in this life – you get to choose the energy that you affect and infect others with. Tee Jay graduated from Aston University with a degree in Pharmacy Bsc Hons and worked passionately in pharmacy for many years. She loved being able to help, support, encourage and motivate people and make a difference to how they felt. No wonder she progressed into the world of Coaching!! The two are really pretty similar aren’t they! Getting people to take responsibility for their own lives and wellbeing, to set goals and to take action, to follow through consistently to make a difference to the quality of their lives. Tee Jay added to her pharmacy experience and qualifications to become a qualified coach in Business Performance and Life Coaching and has Diplomas in both areas. Trained as a Master Neurostrategist she is certified as a Master Nlp Practitioner, Time Line Therapist and Master Hypnotherapist and as an Nlp Trainer. Tee Jay is Passionate about supporting people to uncover their gifts and purpose, empowering them to live an even more fulfilling life and specialises in supporting people to find their potential by growing their confidence and self-esteem. Tee Jay is a highly sought after speaker, trainer and international coach who absolutely walks her talk, goes there first and is not done yet!