Author: Terry Edwards

Terry Edwards The son of an electrical engineer, Terry Edwards was born in 1940 about seven months after the Second World War broke out. He was state-educated in his home country of England but he remained almost a total dunce at school right through to age 16. There was however just one little sign of possible future brilliance. Whilst at high school he received full marks 10/10 excellent for an imaginative essay which he was asked to read out loud to the class! Several years later he shocked himself and everyone who thought they knew him by achieving two university degrees in electronics: a 2:1 B. Sc. and an M. Phil. by research. Terrys career has almost always involved radio-based electronics and he has worked for several public sector organisations in both England and Australia. For a few years in the 1980s he worked with a close-knit group of high-tech consultants and in 1989 he set up his own independent consultancy firm. As well as his two years in Australia, Terry has visited Israel, Singapore and at least eight American States. Some of his visits have been business-related, some on vacation and some a mixture of both. He currently enjoys a very active life in a small seaside resort surrounded by beautiful countryside in his native England. Spheres of Deception essentially a psychological thriller is Terrys first novel.

7 Ebooks by Terry Edwards

Terry Edwards: Spheres of Deception
Are they spies? or not? …
Don Levin & Terry Edwards: The Leader Coach: Exposing Your Soul
Leaders today come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and creeds. It is also quite common to use the term manager and leader interchangeably.This book is about the person who strives to take the giant ste …
George Craig & Terry Edwards: Terry & George – Feeding Friends
‘Terry’s recipes are as fun to prepare as they are to eat and share, and Feeding Friends is the kind of book that will get grubby and well-used in the home and holiday kitchen. It’s for anyone who lo …
Terry Edwards: Technologies for RF Systems
This comprehensive resource provides an introduction to the main concepts, technologies, and components in microwave and RF engineering. This book presents details about how to design various amplifi …
Terry Edwards: Consciousness in a Virtual Reality Holographic Universe
Consciousness is a subject that both baffles and fascinates many people at the same time. In this book, author Terry Edwards explores the nature of Consciousness as a universal metaphysical phenomeno …
Terry Edwards: Gigahertz and Terahertz Technologies for Broadband Communications, Second Edition
Gigahertz and Terahertz Technologies for Broadband Communications, Second Edition is a cutting-edge resource for understanding current, emerging, and future broadband communications systems, as well …