Author: Tetsuya Hiyama

Editors: Prof. Dr. Tetsuya Hiyama, Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University, Japan Prof. Dr. Hiroki Takakura, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University,  Japan

3 Ebooks by Tetsuya Hiyama

Makoto Taniguchi & Tetsuya Hiyama: Groundwater as a Key for Adaptation to Changing Climate and Society
The book presents an overview of recent advances in knowledge related to the assessment and management of groundwater resources, giving special attention to the uncertainties related to climate chang …
Tetsuya Hiyama & Hiroki Takakura: Global Warming and Human – Nature Dimension in Northern Eurasia
This book describes the current environmental changes due to global warming in northern Eurasia, especially focusing on eastern Siberia. Spring flooding, ice-jam movements, and monitoring using remot …
Takeshi Ohta & Tetsuya Hiyama: Water-Carbon Dynamics in Eastern Siberia
This book discusses the water and carbon cycle system in the permafrost region of eastern Siberia, Providing vitalin sights into how climate change has affected the permafrost environment in recent d …