Have you ever felt devastated, tears rolling down your face, because you once again failed God? You promised yourself you’d never fall into the same sin again. You’ve prayed about it over and over, but it has tripped you up at the most inopportune times, knocking you back several steps. Will you ever be victorious? Maybe like Aaron Davis, among thousands of pastors, and millions of Christians around the world, you have felt powerless to overcome the same one or two pitfalls that have plagued you your whole life. You’ve prayed that God would take them away. Yet just when you were starting to get ahead and feeling like you were moving forward, that same stupid mistake blindsided you again, limiting your progress and seemingly sabotaging your successes.
This is a scenario we’ve all dealt with, and it is a telltale sign that a stronghold is at work in your life. But you don’t have to walk in bondage, enslaved to that thing anymore! God created you for greatness! He has provided the means to walk in victory over every lie, every deception, every obstacle, and every stronghold that has ever held you back. You are about to embark on a journey to experiencing the freedom, power, and potential that you were created by God to encounter!
Are you ready to experience more? Free your mind today. The possibilities are limitless!
Aaron Davis is a retired S.W.A.T. team member and former detective sergeant, corporate leadership and faith-based conference keynote speaker, pastor of over twenty years, husband, and father. With a passion to see people live the lives they were created for, his message challenges and inspires others to discover their God-given potential and pursue their destiny, free from the limitations of their past.
Part I: Who Is God?
Chapter 1: God’s Not Mad at You
Chapter 2: Balancing God’s Will and Our Tragedy
Chapter 3: Believe the Lie or Embrace the Truth
Chapter 4: Diverted Focus
Chapter 5: Grace Is Truth
Chapter 6: Jesus Is the Truth
Chapter 7: Jesus Restored What Sin Destroyed
Part II: Who Am I?
Chapter 8: How You See You Matters
Chapter 9: As a Man Thinks . . .
Chapter 10: I Will Remember Their Sin No More
Chapter 11: No Condemnation
Chapter 12: Spirit, Soul, and Body
Chapter 13: God’s Provision and the Wages of Sin
Chapter 14: You Are Who He Says You Are
Part III: Where Have I Been?
Chapter 15: Open Doors and Permission
Chapter 16: Open Doors Part II-Intrusion, Trespassing, and Invasion
Chapter 17: The Infection of Rejection
Chapter 18: Processing the Pain
Chapter 19: 100 Percent
Chapter 20: The Power of Words
Chapter 21: Curse Consciousness
Part IV: Where Am I Now?
Chapter 22: Punching Puppets
Chapter 23: Suit Up for Battle
Chapter 24: You Don’t Have to Walk in Fear Anymore
Chapter 25: Fruit Is a Byproduct
Chapter 26: What Happens in the Mind Will Happen in Time
Chapter 27: Forgive and Forget?
Chapter 28: Four Hundred Ninety
Part V: Where Am I Going?
Chapter 29: Teach Us to Pray
Chapter 30: Believe That You Shall Receive
Chapter 31: Kingdom Authority
Chapter 32: It’s Already in You
Chapter 33: Keep on Knocking
Chapter 34: The Power of a Declaration
Chapter 35: It Is Finished
About the Author