The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia commissioned a national study to review the overall education system of Ethiopia in 2016 that resulted in the Education and Training Roadmap outlining the unwavering commitment towards transformative changes in the national education system. Among the various areas identified in the Roadmap for further intervention and urgent policy shift was the dire need to differentiate the public universities—which for ages have stagnated from disciplinary and mission redundancy—and transform them to vibrant 21st century dynamic universities endowed with missions commensurate with the critical needs of the country.
Background and review of related literature.- Expected outcomes.- Review of literature.- Developing a differentiation Model and Standards for Ethiopia.- Empirical study.- Methods and procedures.- Results and Discussion.- University categorization and identification of areas of strength.
Adula Bekele Hunde Ph.D., Associate Professor Kotebe University of Education Addis Ababa
Ephrem Tekle Yacob Ph.D., Assistant Professor Kotebe University of Education Addis Ababa
Genene Abebe Tadesse Ph.D., Assistant professor and Director for Registrar and alumni, Technical and vocational Institute, Addis Ababa
Kiros Guesh Ph.D., Vice president for Academic Affairs Aksum University
Mekasha Kassaye Gobaw Ph.D., Teacher educator and senior researcher, Addis Ababa University
Nigussie Dechassa Ph.D., Professor of Horticulture and Plant Nutrition, Haramaya University Dire Dawa
Tesfaye Endris Ph.D., Research, Community Engagement and Universityindustry Linkage Director, Admas University Addis Ababa
Yemataw Wondie Ph.D., Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Gondar
Tesfaye Negewo, Head of Higher Education Programs and Curriculum, Desk Ministry of Education, Addis Ababa