In Jewish Family: Identity and Self-Formation at Home Alex Pomson and Randal F. Schnoor advance a new appreciation for the deep significance of Jewish family in developing Jewish identity. This book is the result of ten years of research focused on a small sample of diverse families. Through their work, the authors paint an intricate picture of the ecosystem that the family unit provides for identity formation over the life course. They draw upon theories of family development as well as sociological theories of the transmission of social and cultural capital in their analysis of the research. They find that family networks, which are often intergenerational, are just as significant as cultural capital, such as knowledge and competence in Judaism, to the formation of Jewish identity. Pomson and Schnoor provide readers with a unique view into the complexity of being Jewish in North America today.
1. ‘Growing in to our skin as a Jewish family’: Proposing a new approach to the study of Jewish self-formation
2. Dreidels on the Christmas tree: Jewish capital in the family
3. ‘Reversing some screwed up thing’: Changes in families’ Jewish lives over the life-course
4. ‘It’s about the kids, right?’: Jewish families as social systems
5. ‘This is the way our family is’: The work of home-based family ritual
6. ‘I’m my generation’: Talking with Jewish teens at home
7. Home work: Reflections on studying families for ten years
Appendix A
Alex Pomson is a researcher and managing director of Rosov Consulting. Among numerous publications, he is co-editor of The International Handbook of Jewish Education.
Randal F. Schnoor is a sociologist and he teaches sociology and Jewish Studies at the Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Studies at York.