A timeless investment guide that reveals how to consistently
earn market-beating returns while reducing risk
What every investor needs is a battle-tested strategy that
embraces the uncertainty of financial markets-and life in general.
One that will yield market-beating portfolio returns in both good
times and bad. The Gone Fishin’ Portfolio shows you what
that strategy is, how it works, and why you should begin using it
The innovative approach outlined throughout these pages will
help investors enjoy a notably high probability of success by using
an investment strategy based on the notion that nobody knows what
the market is likely to do next, which, in effect, allows investors
to capitalize on uncertainty.
* Details one of the safest and simplest ways to reach your
long-term financial goals, and explores the financial and
psychological challenges you’re likely to face in the years
* The ‘Gone Fishin’ Portfolio’ is based on a Nobel Prize-winning
investment strategy that takes just twenty minutes to
* Discusses the relationship between risk and reward in financial
markets, and reveals how the investment industry really works
The Gone Fishin’ Portfolio will allow you to reach your
most important investment goals, beat Wall Street at its own game,
and achieve the financial independence you deserve.
Foreword vii
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xv
Part I Get Wise 1
Introduction 3
Chapter 1: The Unvarnished Truth about Your Money 9
Chapter 2: The First Step on the Road to Financial Freedom 15
Chapter 3: Why Manage Your Own Money? 25
Chapter 4: Know What You Don’t Know 35
Part II Get Wealthy 45
Chapter 5: Common Stocks: The Greatest Wealth-Creating Machine of All Time 47
Chapter 6: Don’t Buy What Wall Street Is Selling 61
Chapter 7: Your Single Most Important Investment Decision 73
Chapter 8: The Gone Fishin’ Portfolio Unveiled 89
Chapter 9: Why the Gone Fishin’ Portfolio Is Your Best Investment Plan 119
Chapter 10: How to Legally Stiff-Arm the IRS 129
Chapter 11: The ETF Alternative 137
Part III Get On with Your Life 147
Chapter 12: The Last Two Essentials: Specific Goals and Realistic Expectations 149
Chapter 13: Your Most Precious Resource 159
Afterword 169
Appendix A: Vanguard Funds 175
Appendix B: ETFs 217
About the Author 233
Index 235
ALEXANDER GREEN is the Investment Director of The Oxford Club, Chairman of Investment U, and the Editor of Spiritual Wealth. He has been featured on Oprah & Friends, CNBC, Fox News, and The O’Reilly Factor, and has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, and many other publications. He is the author of the bestselling title The Secret of Shelter Island (Wiley).