This edited volume assembles contributions of leading scholars in the fields of statistical methods and applications in the social sciences. Multivariate scaling methods for categorical data, in particular correspondence analysis, are used to extract the most important dimensions from complex data tables and to visualize relationships in the data. The volume treats recent statistical developments, methodological considerations, and empirical applications. A special emphasis is placed on multiple aspects of space and their sociological significance: the reconstruction of ‘social spaces’ with statistical methods, illustrations of spatial relations involving proximity, distance and inequality, and concrete interactions in urban neighbourhoods. The edited volume is meant to honour the lifetime achievements of Prof. Jörg Blasius (Chair of Sociology/ Empirical Research Methods, Bonn).
Jörg Breitung: Dr. Strangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love correspondence analysis
Frédéric Lebaron, Brigitte Le Roux, Aykiz Dogan: Applying Combinatorial Inference in GDA. The Case of European Central Bank Governing Council Members (1999-2022)
Part II: Sociological applications of correspondence analysis and other multivariate scaling methods
Alice Barth, Rebekka Atakan, Felix Leßke, Yvonne Scheit, Manuela Schmidt: Reconstructing a scientist’s ‘space of social relations’ via multiple correspondence analysis
Martin Fritz & Yasemin El-Menouar: Religiosity and climate change beliefs in Europe
Rahim Hajji, Simone Pollak, Gunnar Voß, Ulrike Scorna, Jessica Schäfer: Health inequality, working conditions in dual vocational training and educational inequality – An analysis using categorical principal components analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis
Part III: Social inequality and change in (urban) space
Jens S. Dangschat: Gentrification as a self-producing and self-reenforcing process on the macro, meso and micro level
Karl M. van Meter: CARME – The rise and fall of a sociological space to the east
Nina Baur, Elmar Kulke: Social milieus in urban space
Part IV: Data quality and statistical education
Rainer Diaz-Bone: Sociological perspectives on teaching statistics in sociology – disciplinary complexities, interdisciplinary challenges and data worlds
Pieter C. Schoonees, Patrick J. F. Groenen, Michel van de Velden, Hester van Herk: Effects of Visual Priming on Rating Scale Usage
Part V: Reminiscences, anecdotes and greetings
Miriam Trübner, Andreas Mühlichen: Jörg Blasius – An Academic Life in Numbers
Clemens Albrecht: Structure: follow culture! Eine kurze Soziologie der akademischen Freundschaft
Nina Baur: Persönliche Notiz
Jens S. Dangschat: Zwei wichtige Erlebnisse – für Jörg und für mich
Robert Helmrich: An Jörg
Rahim Hajji: An Jörg
Yasemin El-Menouar: Für Jörg
Martin Fritz: An Jörg
Patrick J. F. Groenen: Travels with Jörg
Michael Greenacre: My 39 years with Jörg
Wendelin Strubelt: Eine Annäherung an dich, Jörg, an uns Reisende
Author information
Dr Alice Barth is a research associate at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Bonn. Felix Leßke was a research assistant at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Bonn. He currently works as an evaluator at the German Development Cooperation Evaluation Institute (DEval).
Rebekka Atakan is a research assistant at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Bonn. Manuela Schmidt is a research assistant at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Bonn. Yvonne Scheit is a research assistant at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Bonn.