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Web3 Marketing: A Handbook for the Next Internet Revolution is the essential book for anyone looking to understand the next era of the internet and start building. Beyond the sensational hype and headlines around crypto and NFTs, a real revolution is taking place: new technologies for owning, moving, and organizing value spell the overdue end of an internet where a few huge companies hoard data and power, and open a new frontier for products, services, and applications in which ownership and control belongs to creators, builders, and users.
As former CMO of Consen Sys then Founder and CEO of top web3 marketing firm Serotonin–Amanda Cassatt is in a unique position to tell this story, and delivers a remarkably clear, nontechnical guide to the history, key concepts, and still-evolving landscape of Web3. Cassatt explains how Web3 transforms time-tested approaches to marketing and brand-building, including how to build a Web3 community. This book is a must-read for professionals at any level in their Web3 careers–already working or investing in Web3, exploring what it means for their business, or considering a jump into something new–and for anyone who wants to understand the next internet revolution.
Preface xi
Part 1 What Is Web3? 1
Chapter 1 The Evolution of Web1 and Web2 3
Chapter 2 The Evolution of Bitcoin and Ethereum 15
Chapter 3 The Evolution of Ethereum into Web3 25
Chapter 4 The Metaverse 59
Part 2 Web3 Marketing in Theory and Practice 67
Chapter 5 Inventing Web3 Marketing 69
Chapter 6 Know Your Product and Your Audience 83
Chapter 7 Build a Marketing Team 99
Chapter 8 Set Key Metrics 105
Part 3 The Web3 Marketing Funnel 111
Chapter 9 Introducing the Web3 Marketing Funnel 113
Chapter 10 Discovery 117
Chapter 11 Engagement and Use 151
Chapter 12 Retention 169
Part 4 Web3 Transformation and Web2.5 179
Chapter 13 Defining Web2.5 181
Conclusion 193
Notes 197
Acknowledgments 207
About the Author 209
Index 211
AMANDA CASSATT is the Founder and CEO of Serotonin, the world’s leading Web3 marketing firm and product studio. She was the Chief Marketing Officer for Consen Sys between 2016 and 2019, bringing Ethereum to market and helping to grow it into one of the largest and most robust blockchain ecosystems. She regularly speaks at global events and is featured in news outlets around the world.