This comprehensive textbook provides a state of the art overview of the means by which quality in patient care is ensured within the field of nuclear medicine. Acknowledged experts in the field cover both management aspects, such as laws, standards, guidelines, patient safety, management instruments, and organisations, and specific issues, including radiation safety and equipment. Quality in Nuclear Medicine not only presents detailed information on the topics discussed but should also stimulate further discussion and offer an important tool to all professionals in the field of nuclear medicine and their stakeholders. Readers will find that the book provides a wealth of excellent guidance and reflects the pioneering role of nuclear medicine in advancing different aspects of quality within medicine.
Part 1 Laws, standard and guidelines: From ISO to ISO Health Care.- Good Clinical Practice (GCP)-ICH and scientific integrity.- Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)/Farmacopee.- Relation between different societies in relation to guidelines (Dutch Society of Nuclear Medicine, EANM, SNM).- KEW/Euratom (in Europe and internationally).- Wet op de dierproeven (internationally).- International laws (e.g. Registration laws of clinicians, farmacists etc).- Privacy laws.- Contract research and investigator driven research.- Part 2 Radiation safety: Environment.- Personnel and public people.- Patients.- Waste management/Decommissioning of the cyclotron.- Terroristic threats.- Part 3: Equipment: Medical devices.- PET/CT and image quality.- PET/MRI.- Micro SPECT/PET.- Standardization.- Service quality, periodic measurements.- Annotations.- Data management/ computer aided diagnostics/Expert systems.- Part 4: Management instruments : EFQM.- VMS.- HTA/HFMEA/Risk management systems.- Quality controls ofcameras.- Quality aspects in daily management in nuclear medicine.- No shows with particular emphasis on nuclear medicine.- Part 5: Organisations: Medical Ethical Committees and nuclear medicine.- Animal Ethical Committees and nuclear medicine.- Quality visits – the Dutch example (Dutch Society of Nuclear Medicine).- Quality visits – the EANM example.- Quality visits – the SNM example.- IAEA – training.- School for Nuclear Medicine – teaching.
Andor W.J.M. Glaudemans, University Medical Center Groningen, Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Groningen, The Netherlands
Rudi A.J.O. Dierckx, University Medical Center Groningen, Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging,
Groningen, The Netherlands
Jitze Medema, University Medical Center Groningen, Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Groningen, The Netherlands
Annie K. van Zanten, University Medical Center Groningen, Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Groningen, The Netherlands
C.T.B. Kees Ahaus, Dutch Inst. for Healthcare Improvement, Utrecht, The Netherlands