Abide in Christ, written by South African pastor Andrew Murray, is a spiritually enriching devotional that delves into the profound concept of living in fellowship with the Son of God. Murray explores the passages that emphasize the importance of abiding, providing both theological insights and practical applications for integrating this principle into daily life. With a deep theological foundation, the book navigates the mysterious interplay between God’s sovereignty and our practical relationship with it. Murray’s passionate and soul-stirring approach invites readers to contemplate the themes of union and communion with Christ, fostering a deep longing for a more profound connection with the divine. ‘Abide in Christ’ emphasizes the fulfillment and happiness that can be attained through a life rooted in Christ—a purpose that resonates throughout one’s entire existence. The book encourages a lifelong journey toward mastering the art of remaining in Christ, offering a transformative perspective on the pursuit of a purposeful and joyful life.
Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was a South African writer, teacher and Christian pastor. Murray considered missions to be ‘the chief end of the church’. Through his writings, Murray was also a key ‘Higher Life’ or Keswick leader, and his theology of faith healing and belief in the continuation of the apostolic gifts made him a significant forerunner of the Pentecostal movement.