Staging And Performing Sounds: A Glance Through The Last Theatrical Work
– Angela Ida De Benedictis, delving into Bruno Maderna’s Satyricon: the looking glass ...
Staging And Performing Sounds: A Glance Through The Last Theatrical Work
– Angela Ida De Benedictis, delving into Bruno Maderna’s Satyricon: the looking glass world of storytelling, performance interference, and authorship
– Benedetta Zucconi, ‘in the beginning was the word’: the sung text as a unifying element in the composition of Bruno Maderna’s Satyricon
Building Sounds: The Composer
– Carlo Ciceri, space in Maderna’s last orchestral works
– Pascal Decroupet, the unity of musical practice: Bruno Maderna and his ‘shaping form’ as composer and performer of experimental orchestral music
creating sound: the music beyond/without the stage
– Nicola Scaldaferri, ‘a walk through a musical garden’: compositional paths in Maderna’s late works
– Leo Izzo, narrating with sounds: Bruno Maderna’s music for radio and film
reinventing sounds: dialogues with music of every epoch and style
– Michele Chiappini, the writing of the interpretation: notes on Bruno Maderna’s arrangements
– Benedetta Zucconi, analysis and synthesis in Bruno Maderna’s creative process:
Don Giovanni and other Mozart scores
– Leo Izzo, Bruno Maderna and his arrangements
Across Borders: The Conductor And The Interpreter
– Maurizio Romito, ‘this Bruno looks like Fiorello’ Maderna in the U.S.A. (1965-72)
– Anne C. Shreffler, Maderna goes to Tanglewood: the role of American networks in
the origins and reception of Venetian journal and Satyricon
Searching For Roots: The Development Of A Style
– Veniero Rizzardi, Venice to Europe: Bruno Maderna before and after 1948
– Christoph Neidhöfer, ‘la révolution dans la continuité’: the presence of the past in Bruno Maderna’s creative process (1948-55)
Staging And Performing Texts: A Glance Through Early Dramaturgical And Vocal Works
– Claudia Vincis, the studi per ‘il processo’ Di Franz Kafka, and their stage sources
– Paolo dal Molin, Maderna and the poets, 1938-48
Chronology of Bruno Maderna’s works