ผู้เขียน: Anna Akasoy

Anna Akasoy, Ph D in Oriental Studies (2005) at the University of Frankfurt, specializes in the history of Islamic intellectual history and contacts between the Islamic world and other cultures. In 2005, she joined the Warburg Institute as a research assistant. In 2008, she joined the University of Oxford as a departmental lecturer in Islamic history and thought and remained as British Academy postdoctoral fellow at the Oriental Institute. In 2012, she is a visiting research fellow at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg ‘Dynamics in the History of Religions’ at the Ruhr University (Bochum, Germany). Guido Giglioni is the Cassamarca Lecturer in Neo-Latin Cultural and Intellectual History at the Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London. He obtained his Ph D in History of Science and Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (2002). He then received a post-doctoral Research Fellowship at the Dibner Institute, MIT, Boston. He has published a book on Jan Baptiste van Helmont (Immaginazione e malattia, Milan 2000), one on Francis Bacon (Francesco Bacone, Rome 2011), and edited a volume of manuscript papers of Francis Glisson (Cambridge 1996). He has written essays on Renaissance philosophy and medicine. He is currently working on Francis Bacon’s philosophy (ERC Starting Grant ‘Francis Bacon and the Medicine of the Mind’).

8 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Anna Akasoy

Anna Akasoy & Guido Giglioni: Renaissance Averroism and Its Aftermath: Arabic Philosophy in Early Modern Europe
While the transmission of Greek philosophy and science via the Muslim world to western Europe in the Middle Ages has been closely scrutinized, the fate of the Arabic philosophical and scientific lega …
Anna Akasoy: Islam and Tibet – Interactions along the Musk Routes
The first encounters between the Islamic world and Tibet took place in the course of the expansion of the Abbasid Empire in the eighth century. Military and political contacts went along with an incr …
Anna Akasoy: Islam and Tibet – Interactions along the Musk Routes
The first encounters between the Islamic world and Tibet took place in the course of the expansion of the Abbasid Empire in the eighth century. Military and political contacts went along with an incr …
Anna Akasoy & James Montgomery: Islamic Crosspollinations
Islam as a cultural, intellectual, and religious venture appears in the popular imagination as a monolithic entity. Orientalists of the traditional ilk have tended to describe it in essentialist term …
Anna Akasoy & James Montgomery: Islamic Crosspollinations
Islam as a cultural, intellectual, and religious venture appears in the popular imagination as a monolithic entity. Orientalists of the traditional ilk have tended to describe it in essentialist term …
Muhammad ibn ‘Abdallah al-Bazyar: Das Falken- und Hundebuch des Kalifen al-Mutawakkil
Die Zeit der frühen Abbasiden ist bekannt für ihre kulturelle Blüte. Auf allen Gebieten wurde das Wissen der Griechen, Perser und anderer Kulturen zusammengetragen und ins Arabische übersetzt. Das ne …
Georges Tamer: Islam I
Der Islam ist heute mit ca. 1, 8 Milliarden Gläubigen eine lebendige, schnell wachsende Glaubensgemeinschaft. Der erste Band der dreiteiligen Darstellung des Islam in der Reihe ‘Die Religionen der Me …
Georges Tamer: Islam I
Der Islam ist heute mit ca. 1, 8 Milliarden Gläubigen eine lebendige, schnell wachsende Glaubensgemeinschaft. Der erste Band der dreiteiligen Darstellung des Islam in der Reihe ‘Die Religionen der Me …