The contributions, composed in this volume, are inspired not only by the necessity but also by the potentialities of a process which continues and deepens cross-cultural understanding, especially between Islamic and Western philosophy. Following the tradition of an East-Western symphony of thoughts, the authors focus on common horizons and while applying comparative and historical approaches, varieties of unity appear on the ways towards a New Enlightenment. The creative force, orchestrating the harmony in the web of Life, communicates in the mean time with the capacities of human beings, advancing in deciphering its micro-macrocosmic dimensions. Here, the encounter of the Logos of Life Philosophy (A-T. Tymieniecka) and Islamic Philosophy open the space for constructive disputation. In the wake of the crisis of postmodern unknowability, paths towards a new critique of reason go hand in hand with fundamental issues, being reflected newly.
Introduction; Part One; Phenomenology of life and metaphysics; Section One.- Daniela Verducci; A metamorphic logos for post-metaphysics. From the phenomenology of life.- Section Two.- Salahaddin Khalilov; The effect of illumination on the way back from Aristotle to Plato.- Simon Farid Oliai; The ‘High Point’ of thought: On the future thrust of all Transcendence.- Section Three.- Konul Bunyadzade; The sources of truth in the history of philosophy.- Chris Osegenwune; Necessity and Chance: The metaphysical dilemma.- Part Two.- Comparative and cross-cultural approaches; Section One.- Olga Louchakova-Schwartz; The seal of philosophy: Tymieniecka’s phenomenology of life versus Islamic metaphysics.- Angéle Kremer-Marietti ; Confrontation et réconciliation entre l’Islam et l’Occident.- Section Two.- A.L. Samian; The Question of Divinity in Newton’s and al-Biruni‘s philosophies of Mathematics: A comparative perspective.- Semiha Akinci; Algorithms in the twentieth Century.- Section Three.- Ilona Kock; Ontologization of Ethics or Ethicization of Ontology– a Comparative approach on Plotinus and al-Ghazali.- Reza Rokoee; Avicenna and Husserl: Comparative Aspects.- Abdul Rahim Afaki; Interpreting the divine word and appropriating a text: The Farâhî-Ricoeur thematic affinity.- Section Four.- Jad Hatem ; Dieu et son mirage. L’exegese Druze de Coran 24:39.- Section Five.- Detlev Quintern; ‘Aql al-Kullî meets the Logos of Life – A cross-cultural path towards a new Enlightenment.