Highlights and critically assesses the work of contemporary Italian political philosophers.
Italy has a rich philosophical legacy, and recent developments and movements in its political philosophy have produced a significant body of thought by internationally renowned philosophers working on questions and themes such as the critique of neoliberalism, statehood, politics and culture, feminism, community, the stranger, and the relationship between politics and action. This volume brings this conversation to English-language readers, considering well-known Italian philosophers such as Vattimo, Agamben, Esposito, and Negri, as well as philosophers with whom English-language readers are less acquainted, such as Luce Fabbri, Adriana Cavarero, and Lea Melandri. In addition, the essays extend the conversation beyond the realm of Italian philosophy, bringing its thinkers into dialogue with philosophical figures including Badiou, Marx, Merleau-Ponty, Deleuze and Guattari, Adorno, Arendt, Foucault, Wittgenstein, and the Peruvian historian and sociologist Anibal Quijano.
Introduction: The Ferment of Contemporary Italian Political Philosophy
Antonio Calcagno
1. Biological Life and Political Life
Roberto Esposito
2. Nothing in Common: Esposito and Vattimo on Community
Robert T. Valgenti
3. Roberto Esposito and the Relation between the Personal and the Impersonal
Antonio Calcagno
4. Narrating the Self through the Other: On the Thought of Adriana Cavarero
Elvira Roncalli
5. Psychoanalysis in Early Italian Feminism: The Contributions of the Practice of the Unconscious
Paola Melchiori
6. Luce Fabbri: Anarchism as an Art of Living
Margareth Rago
7. The Transcendental Limits of Politics: On Massimo Cacciari’s Political Philosophy
Alessandro Carrera
8. Trauma and Political Existence: Remo Bodei on Not Confronting Delusion
Alexander U. Bertland
9. Paulo Virno: Exodus and Language
Franco Berardi
10. After Lives: On Giorgio Agamben and the Coloniality of the Sovereign Exception (from a Latin American Perspective)
Alejandro A. Vallega
11. Happy Depression: Franco Berardi and the Unpaid Bills of Desire
Gary Genosko
12. Marx contra Negri: Value, Abstract Labor, and Money
Christian Lotz
13. The Risk of Subjectivity: Negri beyond Adorno
Timothy S. Murphy
14. Antonio Negri—On the Trail of New Social Subjects
Pierre Lamarche
Antonio Calcagno is Associate Professor of Philosophy at King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario. He is the author of Lived Experience from the Inside Out: Social and Political Philosophy in Edith Stein.