3 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Arie Wilschut
Linda Symcox & Arie Wilschut: National History Standards
As educators in the United States and Europe develop national history standards for K-12 students, the question of what to do with national history canons is a subject of growing concern. Should nati …
Arie Wilschut: Images of Time
What makes history difficult to learn is the fact that one has to travel in time. Studying events and circumstances from a time perspective different from our own is something that doesn’t come natur …
Arthur Chapman & Arie Wilschut: Joined-up History
Debates about the identity of school history and about the nature and purpose of the learning that does, can and should take place in history classrooms continue in many countries around the world. A …