Originally published in Argentina in 2019 and now finally available in English, Luzzi and Wilkis’s acclaimed book traces the history of the economic, social, and political relevance of the dollar in Argentina and its popularization over the years.
How did the dollar come to play such a leading role in Argentina’s national existence? How and why did this global currency become a local currency on the other end of the Western hemisphere? Through the reconstruction of the social and cultural history of the US dollar in Argentina, Luzzi and Wilkis provide original insight into this sidebar of the dollar’s history, showing how it became a “local” currency even outside its country of origin.
Mariana Luzzi is a researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research and an associate professor of sociology in the Interdisciplinary School of Advanced Social Studies at San Martin University, Argentina. She has published several books and articles on the sociology of money.