At a time when society started to naturally value the circular economy, many people began to rethink the use of glass packaging. This is an interesting return to concepts once lost in the process of popularization of ready-to-drink products.
Because it is inert (it does not change the flavor, smell, or color of the packaged product, thus contributing to consumers’ health), glass packaging has gained prominence along with the wellness trend. In addition, flint containers also have the benefit of being transparent while the amber ones provide a barrier to light.
In the perfumery segment, more than smell, the success of new fragrances depends on the design of the glass bottle. Some say that it is necessary to design the bottle with emotional ingredients, which encourage the consumer to see in the product an object of desire, before trying the fragrance.
Glass packaging also delivers glamour and refinement to famous brands of spirits, premium mineral waters, and food.
All types of packaging have their functions and applications and, of course, characteristics that differentiate them and make them more suitable for different moments of consumption. Glass packaging has a UNIQUE condition of reducing environmental impact: IT IS RETURNABLE.
Glass has been present in packaging since the beginning. It is one of the oldest packaging materials in our history and, from the start, the fact that it is returnable, even before being reusable, makes it environmentally friendly. That is especially true when we can restrict the geographic area of supply.
The reverse logistics process must be economically and environmentally sustainable, not to mention the social aspect. This solution democratizes consumption among people with lower available income because products are more competitive and, therefore, consumers can afford them.
In addition, the sector continues to invest in the use of recycled content and to conduct studies on reducing the weight of bottles.
Better Glass Packaging. Better World!
Glass is the protagonist of the new bilingual book by Instituto de Embalagens
The tenth piece of the Better Packaging Better World collection will be launched during the Packaging & Sustainability Forum
Glass has been present in packaging since the beginning. It is one of the oldest packagings in our history and, since the beginning, the fact that it is returnable, even before it is reusable, makes it environmentally friendly. As it is inert, it does not change the flavor, odor, or color of the packaged product, preserving the health of the consumer. In addition, flint bottles offer the benefit of transparency and ambers provide a light barrier.
With different shapes, colors and sizes, glass packaging adds value to the product. All these attributes show the plurality of glass for different applications. Glass is the protagonist of the tenth bilingual book of the Better Packaging Better World collection – Better Packaging Better World, the twenty-first published by Instituto de Embalagens, which will be launched on October 27, during the Online and Live Packaging & Sustainability Forum.
The new book also won an e-book version in English and Portuguese, as well as an audiobook.
The work is composed of five units: Introduction to the Universe of Glass Packaging, Manufacture of Glass Packaging, Packaging & Accessories, Processes and Packaging and Environment.
With interviews conducted with executives from pioneering companies in Brazil, the chapter dedicated to the history of the glass packaging industry allows reading of how the sector began and evolved over time in the country.
The book also compiled innovative glass packaging found on gondolas around the world and also at international fairs for the sector. It is an incentive to exercise new perspectives on the use of glass. ‘One of the differentials of glass packaging is the possibility of giving premium positioning to products. The sophistication techniques, such as the development of special molds and the application of finishing resources, allow these packages to reveal to consumers the unique properties of the product’, highlights Assunta Napolitano Camilo, director of the Packaging Institute.
In the preface, Hugo Ladeira, president of Owens-Illinois for South America, emphasizes that ‘the great contribution of this work is the innovative vision of presenting an ancient product that has never stopped evolving, with technologies that not only bring greater access to the consumer but also it’s characteristic of being returnable and infinitely recyclable, without losing its purity, so important in the challenges of building a sustainable world’.
The book is sponsored by Owens-Illinois, Future Pack, Krones, P.E. Labellers, Wheaton, Prakolar Sato, Grif Rótulos, Schott, Silgan, Nadir Figueiredo and Vidroporto and is supported by Sleever and Abividro.
It also has the support of national and international sector entities such as ABIHPEC, Abividro, Conseil d’Emballage (France), AIP (Australia), FEVE – The European Container Glass Federation, GPI – Glass Packaging Institute, among others.
The book can be purchased at the Instituto de Embalagens virtual store
Bilingual Book Glass Packaging – Glass Packaging
various authors
Packaging Institute
Instituto de Embalagens was founded in 2005 with the objective of being a reference center in education and research about packaging in Brazil. The institute promotes courses, events, workshops, and training sessions aiming to spread information and drive the development of the workshops.
The journey of knowledge about the packaging is long and continuous. In 2016, the institute created the Packaging on the Road project, a packaging training course designed to make technical training available to professionals from Brazil.
Instituto de Embalagens also conducts customized projects to spread technical information in the packaging area, such as the in-company courses that have already been held in several companies.
Instituto de Embalagens’ faculty is formed by highly qualified professionals who have wide experience in the packaging area.
The institution also develops educational content, today available in 21 books. In 2014, Instituto de Embalagens launched the first book in English, Better Packaging Better World, which has been distributed in several countries. In 2016, it launched the bilingual collection (Portuguese-English) Better Packaging Better World, which already counts ten books.
The recognition of Instituto de Embalagens goes beyond the borders of Brazil. Several national and foreign institutions use the books of Instituto de Embalagens as didactic material in their courses.
Instituto de Embalagens has been distinguished by several awards, such as the Embanews Prize Roberto Hiraishi Trophy in the Research category, for its Packaging books, and as the Entity of the Year, in 2016.
Other important recognitions are those of the packaging industry which has sponsored the initiatives and the sector’s associations that support them, the main packaging users, and thousands of professionals who resort to Instituto de Embalagens to learn more about packaging.
Instituto de Embalagens conducts annual workshops and the Forum of Sustainability
to bring to the market innovation, packaging, and cases that aim to improve the relationship of packaging with the environment, aligning our belief:
Better Packaging. Better World.