In The Plausible World , the intersections of literature and cartography enable readers to understand that place is anything but purely geographic: a plausible world is created as a strategy to fill the void. Innovative in his approach, Westphal challenges the view that perceptions and representations of space are stable or straightforward.
1. The Multiplication of Centers 2. The Horizon Line 3. The Spatial Urge 4. The Invention of Place 5. The Measured Mastery of the World
Bertrand Westphal is a Professor of General and Comparative Literature at the Université de Limoges, France where he directs the ‘Espaces Humains et Interactions Culturelles’ research team. He is the author of Geocriticism: Real and Fictional Spaces, as well as numerous works on geocriticism, Austrian literature, the Mediterranean, and the theory of the novel.
Amy Wells is an Associate Professor of English in the Applied Foreign Languages Department at the Cherbourg Satellite of the Université de Caen de Basse Normandie, France. She is a member of the research team Equipe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la Grande-Bretagne, l’Irlande et l’Amérique du nord [Interdisciplinary research team on Great Britain, Ireland, and North America] (ERIBIA), and she has published numerous articles on geocriticism and literary cartography including ‘The Intertextual, Sexually-Coded Rue Jacob.’