Microscopy of Zodiac Signs and Numbers is a very unique cosmic Science, which reveals, the hidden mysteries of Numbers and the planetary position of the zodiac signs. This unique science provoked the author who has been associated with this mystic science for the past 45 years to pen down in depth the wonders of this vibrated forces in the most simplified manner in order to enhance the basic as well as advance knowledge of this science with his readers.
He shares his wide and rich experience regarding about the humans nature and the various causes, of his immediate behavior, environment, with regards to his nature of the different numbers and zodiac signs controlling over his temperament. The author has simplified the meaning of these zodiac signs and numbers and shells out his experience that whenever these different numbers of an individual vibrates and influence well, the life of the individual becomes much more interesting and fruitful and the person lives, happy and prosperous life. But if the influence or the vibration force of these Numbers and the zodiac signs is on a negative side the person is deprived of all the happiness and prosperity till these numbers or the planets turn their fortune in a positive manner. The author cum astrologer has been associated with general public for the past several years and has been practicing this science in order to attain peace prosperity and happiness to his clients and readers. This book will definitely prove to be an asset to his readers and would guide them to ward off all the negativity and live a happy life and good life. The author wishes all his readers peace prosperity and happiness.
The science of numbers and astrology has stood the test of times ever since it revealed the mystery and the mastery of the ancient wisdom of forecasting the influence of the numbers and stars on human bodies.
The author, Baldev Bhatia, a renowned and world-famous astrologer, has penned several simple books on numerology and astrology—this mysterious subject that reveals the true perception of knowing oneself through the art of prediction. Professionally, the author has put his entire life experience in promoting astrology in various fields with a view to serve the millions of curious readers of this mystic science and with the intension of imparting them the real knowledge of zodiac signs and numbers through various marvelous scriptures.
The astrologer has been associated with astrology for the past forty-five years and has been practicing astrology in various forms. The author cum astrologer has been in touch with general public and has been practicing phycology and pubic healing. His intension is to guide his readers to achieve their personal goals with ease that would assist them to overcome all the problems, crises, speed breakers, and the unforeseen negatives forces, in their lives so as not to get disheartened or depressed in their lives and finally lead a happy life and peaceful and a sweet life.
His published books—Microscopy of Astrology, Microscopy of Numerology, Microscopy of Remedies, Microscopy of Happy Living, and Microscopy of Positive Living—also guide his readers to achieve their personal goals with ease and assists them to overcome all the problems in their lives gracefully, which guides them to lead a happy, sweet, and prosperous life.
He wishes his readers all the success, happiness, and prosperity.