This book discusses the scientific developments on the new roles of interventions in career-and-life design (career education, career counseling, etc.) regarding the world’s main challenges. Thanks to the strong partnership between the UNESCO Chair and partners ECADOC (European Doctoral Program on Career counseling and Guidance) and ESVDC (European Society for Vocational designing and Career counseling), this book represents a strong collection of models, scientific proposals and analyses of practices and interventions by scholars from all different parts of the world. It provides a large overview of current research in the field of Interventions for Life and Career Design (ILCD) in Northern and Southern countries, and calls for increased responsibility of individuals, groups and communities to design their life and their individual and collective future.
Chapter 1: Mc Mahon, M. Hopkins, S.; Vuorinen, R. & Ji-Yeon, L. Professionalising career guidance and counselling: International initiatives, enablers and challenge.- Chapter 2: Barrie, I.; Borgen, W.; Hoejdal, L. & Goodman, J. Reviewing the life-design paradigm: critical reflexions and reconstructions.- Chapter 3: Álvarez-González, B.; Sánchez-García, M.F.; Malik, B. & Suárez-Ortega, M. Needs, barriers and good practices in the entrepreneurial career. Perceptions of guidance professionals from Entrepreneur Support Services..- Chapter 4: Figuera, P.; Torrado, M.; Corti, F.; Llanes, J.; Aparicio, P. & Romero-Rodríguez, S. Equity and career promotion in social science students: the case of ADE.- Chapter 5: Kheloufi, N. Approches interculturelles dans une démarche de conseil à destination de publics migrants. (Intercultural approaches in advising migrants).- Chapter 6: Matthew, D. The Psychology of working theory: A new theoretical perspective to Foster diversity, equity and justice.- Chapter 7: Jara, O. & Álvarez-González, B. The overqualification of Ecuadorean nationals living in Spain – a study on migrant people’s needs in career guidance.- Chapter 8: Patillon Thi-Van et al. Creativity and Career Adaptability: Developing a Measure of Creative Career Choice Behaviours (INETOP-CENAM).- Chapter 9: Donnalee, B. Precarity, automation & the future of work: implications on career development policy & practice.- Chapter 10: Simon, V. et al. Sustainable and satisfying socio professional integration and relationship-to-work: Issues and Challenges (Canada).- Chapter 11: Sobrado, L.; Ocampo, C.; Ceinos, C.; Fernández-Rey, E.; Rodicio, M.L. & Nogueira, M.A. Competences analisis in initial training of secondary education consellors and european standards.