* Ideal intermediate-level book for programmers to turn to oncethey have read the introductory books.* Identifies what can go wrong and provides refactored solutionsfor each pitfall complete with code.* All of the pitfalls are cross-referenced within the text aswell as outlined in a summary table in the back of the book.* Includes background information and troubleshooting tips soprogrammers can avoid other errors that may also occur.* The Web site contains all of the refactored code solutions andlinks to appropriate tool downloads.
Acknowledgments.About the Authors.Introduction.Chapter 1: Testing: Cactus and Junit.Chapter 2: Struts Action Forms.Chapter 3: Struts Actions.Chapter 4: Struts Tag Libs and JSPs.Chapter 5: Ant.Appendix A: Pitfall Catalog.Appendix B: References.Appendix C: What?s on the Web Site.Index.
BILL DUDNEY is a Java architect with Object Systems Group. He hasbeen building J2EE(TM) applications and software for five yearsand has been doing distributed computing for almost fourteen years.He is the coauthor of J2EE Anti Patterns (from Wiley).JONATHAN LEHR is an independent consultant with more than twentyyears of experience in software development and training. He hasdesigned e-commerce applications for Fortune 100 companies.