Offers a revised understanding of human subjectivity that avoids the extremes of both traditional humanism and cultural relativism.
By elaborating upon pivotal twentieth-century studies in language, representation, and subjectivity, Being Made Strange reorients the study of rhetoric according to the discursive formation of subjectivity. The author develops a theory of how rhetorical practices establish social, political, and ethical relations between self and other, individual and collectivity, good and evil, and past and present. He produces a novel methodology that analyzes not only what an individual says, but also the social, political, and ethical conditions that enable him or her to do so. This book also offers valuable ethical and political insights for the study of subjectivity in philosophy, cultural studies, and critical theory.
Rhetorical Being
Part I: Beyond Representation
1. The Subject and Object of Representation
The Circle of Metaphysics
The End of Rhetoric?
A Crisis of Representation
The Subject and Object of Rhetoric
2. The Ideal of Rhetoric
Logocentrism and Rhetoric
Rhetoric in the Active Voice
Part II: Being Otherwise
3. Rhetoric in the Middle Voice
Rhetoric Made Stranger
The Middle Voice of Persuasion
Discourse, Form, and Ethos
4. Style without Identity
Style and Humanism
Politics, Ethics, and Alterity
Rhetoric and Style Reconfigured
Part III: Rhetoric and the Politics of Self and Other
5. Jefferson’s Other
Memory’s Desires
Memory’s Memory
6. The Rest Is Silence
Silence as Representation
Silence as an Origin
Silence as a Rhetorical Condition
Conclusion: Rhetoric in a Nonmoral Sense
Bradford Vivian is Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Vanderbilt University.