ผู้เขียน: Brooke C.

“Adventure and a bit of social awareness combine in a compelling book for young readers.” -Kirkus Reviews Story Monster Approved, 2023! (chosen by kids)Purple Dragonfly Award Winner in 2 categories, 2023!Moonbeam Children”s Book Award, Silver Metal 2023!IAN Book of the Year Finalist, 2023!Brooke C is the author of the Wimps of the Wild series. She lives in the Rocky Mountains, where the lack of oxygen in the high altitude makes the wild animals sleepy-so it”s safe for her to hike around and study them for her stories!She may not be a total wimp, but she”s definitely afraid of sharks, snakes, and chickens (which are really tiny dinosaurs!). Brooke C lives with three children, one husband, two dogs, three fish, and one snail named Bob. Visit brookec.com to share your stories about being a wimp or being wild.

2 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Brooke C.

Brooke C: Wimps of the Wild: Book 1
  ‘Adventure and a bit of social awareness combine in a compelling book for young readers.’ -Kirkus Reviews

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