It’s so important that the generations to come understand and share in the founder’s vision and philosophy. Authors Aronoff and Ward help leaders discover their own values and then they provide ways to infuse these values into the fabric of their business for generations to come.
Introduction The Power of Values in the Family Business The Role of Values in Uniting Family and Business A Sampling of Winning Family Business Values Nurturing and Passing on Values in the Family Building Values in the Business Culture Reinterpreting and Renewing Values in a Changing World Summary Appendix
CREAIG E. ARONOFF Co-founder, Principal, and Chairman of the Board of The Family Business Consulting Group, Inc., the founder of the Cox Family Enterprise Center and current Professor Emeritus at Kennesaw State University, USA. He invented and implemented the membership-based, professional-service-provider sponsored Family Business Forum, which has served as a model of family business education for universities world-wide.
JOHN L. WARD Co-founder of the Family Business Consulting Group Inc. He is Clinical Professor at the Kellogg School of Management, USA, and teaches strategic management, business leadership and family enterprise continuity.