This edited volume presents eleven empirical papers reporting the existing literature and the results of an original study focusing on EMI (English as a medium of instruction) in a particular area (Central and Eastern Europe, Western and Southern Europe, Nordic/Baltic countries, Central Asia, the Middle East, East Asia, South-East Asia, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America). Each of these different areas tends to have its own ways of dealing with the EMI issue, and these are brought together in a meta-analysis in the final chapter. Implications for the conduct of English as a medium of instruction are drawn, both on a chapter-by-chapter basis and also in the meta-analysis. The examination of EMI on a contextual basis is a unique feature of this book, setting it apart from others in the field, which almost all deal with a single or limited context. The volume will be of interest to policymakers, institutional heads, graduate students and their teachers, and to thesis writers and researchers.
Emi in eastern/Central Europe.- Emi in wester/Southern Europe.- Emi in Scandinavia.- Emi in Turkey.- Emi in Central Asia.- Emi in the Middle East.- Emi in Israel.- Emi in East Asia.- Emi in Korea.- Emi in Japan.- Emi in south-east Asia.- Emi in sub-Saharan Africa.- Emi in North Africa.- Emi in Latin America.- Emi in the Indian sub-continent.- Conclusion.
Prof. Dr Carol Griffiths has been a teacher, manager, and teacher trainer of
ELT for many years. She has taught in many places around the world, including
New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, China, North Korea, Turkey, and UK. She is
currently working as a professor for Girne American University in North Cyprus, as
a research fellow for the University of Leeds (UK), and also as research professor
at Auckland Institute of Studies in New Zealand. She has presented at numerous
conferences and published widely, including her books Lessons from Good
Language Learners, The Keys to Highly Effective English Learning, Developing
Teacher Autonomy through Action Research, The Strategy Factor in Successful
Language Learning, Lessons from Good Language Teachers and Individual
Differences in Successful Language Learning. Language learning strategies,
individual differences, teacher educationand support, English as a medium of
instruction, English as a lingua franca, action research, and using literature to teach
language are her major areas of research interest.
Specifically in the area of EMI, her teaching experience has always been in
English, so she is well aware of the problems faced by non-native English speaking
students. In addition, she had an article published in ELT Journal on the subject
with co-author Adem Soruc:
1. Soruç, A. & Griffiths, C. (2018). English as a medium of instruction: students’
strategies. ELTJ, 72/1, 38-48. (SSCI).