This is the most complete reference to planning a familyreunion!
The accompanying CD features planning tools, genealogysoftware, and more!
Don’t be without this step-by-step guide that walks you througheverything you need to know about planning a successful familyreunion. You’ll find out all about tracking down lost’ familymembers, deciding what type of event to have, coordinatingentertainment, food, lodging, and more! The CD-ROM includesgenealogy shareware designed specifically to assist you in doing athorough search for all your relatives, plus templates for trackingexpenses, menus, RSVP’s, addresses, lodging assignments, familydata, and more. Plus, this kit includes dozens of checklists toensure that you’ve thought of every detail!
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of e Book file.
PART I: Gathering the In-laws and the Outlaws.
Chapter 1: It’s All Relative.
Chapter 2: Playing Family Detective.
Chapter 3: Calling on the Clan.
PART II: Getting into the Nitty-Gritty of Reunion Planning.
Chapter 4: Figuring Out When, Where, and How Much.
Chapter 5: Planning for a Barbecue, Buffet, or Blowout.
Chapter 6: Preparing for the Family.
PART III: Keeping Everyone Busy.
Chapter 7: We’re All Here . Now What?
Chapter 8: Bridging the Generation Gap with Games.
Chapter 9: Establishing Family Traditions.
PART IV: After the Reunion.
Chapter 10: All’s Well That Ends Well.
Chapter 11: Keeping in Touch and Gathering Feedback.
Chapter 12: Putting Your New Skills to Good Use.
PART V: From Branches to Roots: Researching the Family Tree.
Chapter 13: Getting into Genealogy.
Chapter 14: Exploring a World Full of Records.
Chapter 15: Separating Family Fact from Fiction.
Chapter 16: Partnering with Your ‘Puter.
PART VI: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 17: Ten Lessons in Family Dynamics.
Chapter 18: Ten Terrific Reads.
Chapter 19: Ten Tips for Preserving Family Treasures.
Chapter 20: Ten More Great Reunion Ideas.
PART VII: Appendixes.
Appendix A: About the CD.
Appendix B: Terrific Internet Resources.
Appendix C: Departments of Tourism.
Appendix D: Betty Crocker Recipes.
Hungry Minds End-User License Agreement.
Installation Instructions.
Cheryl Fall has been researching her family history and holding family reunions for more than 20 years.